
Showing posts from June, 2014

The Black-rumped Woodpecker

The Black-rumped Woodpecker is perhaps the swiftest birds I have come across till now (apart from the small passerine birds). Out of nowhere, orange wings perch upon the tree trunk, then very quickly move upwards, pecking its beak in the wood. 

Stork-billed Kingfisher

The magnificence of this bird is beyond definition. I was perturbed by a bird call which prompted me to look towards the tree. Hidden behind the branches, was a blue yellow red bird. It looked like a kingfisher. And it was! I grabbed my camera to click its picture. The stork billed Kingfisher is found primarily in the Asian sub-continent, near river, coastal areas. The Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean is near my city.

Does anyone know which bird it is?

This bird has a white face, yellow feet and black body. 

Black-hooded Oriole

The Black-hooded Oriole is a vibrant bird.  It has a bright yellow color, a black head and a melodious call.  They hail from South East Asia. It is the most common bird in Singapore. I first noticed this bird in June, when a pair of Oriole sat on the enchanted tree and played for a long time. Their nests are often built in the vicinity of the nest of a  black drongo .

Red-vented Bulbuls

I was fiddling with my laptop in the balcony of my house when I saw this bird perched right under the fence.  It seemed like a Mynah at first but then I noticed that it had a different head. The head is black square crest-like shaped, while the rest of the body is brown.  Later I googled and read about the Red-vented Bulbul. The red-vented Bulbul was well known in the 19th century Indian culture. Locals used it as pets and for trade. It is included in the list of world's 100 worst invasive alien species.