
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Purple sunbird (female)

Sunbirds are very tiny birds that are extremely swift. If you dont pay attention, they may almost pass off as a butterfly! The female sunbird is olive colored with yellowish underparts. The bill is downcurved almost like a hook. The mainly feed on nectar. The yellow oleander tree in my lawn attracts many sunbirds (as seen below).

A juvenile Green Bee-eater

A green bee-eater has a long spiked tail. This is a juvenile. A beautiful green colored bird perched on the fence of my lawn. It had a nasal call sounding like 'tree tree tree'. 

White bellied Drongo

The  white-bellied drongo  ( Dicrurus caerulescens ) is a species of  drongo  found only on the Indian Subcontinent in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.  It was my first bird watching trip with a group of bird watchers. The forest was in the outskirts of the city of Jaipur. My father's colleague, his wife and a few others accompanied us for the trip.  It must be 6 am. The forest was scanty in the beginning with only dried trees. There was a Neel Gai which is a completely harmless, docile animal. After some 10 mins of trekking we found a small pond with twigs and branches of wood half submerged in the water. This is where we first halted. We sat down around the pond. Our camera's ready and set for any bird.  We spotted a white throated kingfisher, rufus  treepies, and black drongos. Then after waiting some more, we started to trek. some 10 mins towards the interior of the jungle. On the way I spotted green pigeons perched on the topmost branches of the tallest tre