
Showing posts from July, 2013


Although I'm a city dweller but I'm lucky enough to have my house is surrounded by wilderness. There is a lake near by. And the world's largest mangrove forest- 'Sundarbans' is a few kilometers away from here. I often sit in my room, gazing outside my window, and seldom the same bare branch catches my attention. A bird, a rare bird mostly, is perched there. This time I spotted a Black Drongo. Long fork tail. All black.  Its called the 'king of crows'. Despite being small in size, it is aggressive and threatens big birds to stay away from its territory. All small birds are, however, allowed to nest around its territory. So, in a way it protects all the small birds from the big birds. Again I ran to fetch my SLR to click few snaps.

Cuckoo or Crow Pheasant or Greater Coucal

Its raining. It has been raining since morning and it's afternoon now. Everything looks washed as usual. The scanty tree has many crows perched on its bare branches. Perhaps waiting for the rain to halt for once. And between the crowd I spot a crow pheasant . Its copper brown wings and a long tail . Opening and closing its wings. Belonging to the species of cuckoos, the crow pheasant is bigger in size than other crows. I once again grabbed my SLR to click a snap or two.

White-throated Kingfisher

I sit. I gaze about. Eyes freeze. Gentle motion of trees. Winds. Birds sing. Sun. Shadows. Green and Bright. And suddenly, I see a bird. Blue wings. Red head. Long beak. Unique. Perched on a bare branch, singular and composed. I quickly grab my SLR to click snaps. Later I came to know that it was a kingfisher from the mangroves, commonly called the 'White-throated Kingfisher'.