A singing duet of Drongos

A drongo sings on this tree. Somewhere very far off, the same song is replied by another drongo. This duet has been going on since ten minutes.

This could be a conversation having as much meaning as any human talk. But to my limited perception it seems a mere imitation of calls by the two birds. I try to find some pattern in their calls, but its so prolonged that I lose interest after the first five minutes.

Recently in 'The Economist', there was an article about birds' magnetic senses. They have a special knowledge of the global positioning of other birds and places through these magnetic senses. This proves that birds have abilities which scientists haven't yet researched. That explains the migration of rare birds to the coastal cities before Tsunami hit Andhra Pradesh in India in 2004. Had people understood the meaning of their migration, Tsunami could've been predicted.

Can you can spot the drongo in the picture...


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