A Purple Sunbird!

I spotted this bird in the middle of the afternoon when I heard a unique (kinda metallic) bird call. It moved with the celerity of a tailor bird; vanishing, appearing and then vanishing again.  Hence, I could hardly see the bird just knew that it was a new one. I noticed it's bill only after I reviewed the pictures that I clicked. 

The purple sunbird is a small sunbirdA sunbird typically has a long thin down-curved beak. Like other sunbirds, purple sunbirds feed mainly on nectar, although they will also take insects, especially when feeding young. Their fast and direct flight makes clicking their photographs quite a challenge. 

They can take nectar by hovering like a hummingbird but often perch at the base of flowers. The males appear all black except in some lighting when the purple iridescence becomes visible. Females are olive above and yellowish below.


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