The Grey francolin or Grey Partridge in Bharatpur

The Grey francolin is species of francolin found in the plains and drier parts of South AsiaThey are found in open cultivated lands as well as scrub forest and their local name of teetar is based on their calls, a loud and repeated Ka-tee-tar...tee-tar which is produced by one or more birds. They are weak fliers and fly short distances, escaping into undergrowth. 

Food includes seeds, grains as well as insects, particularly termites and beetles. They may occasionally take larger prey such as snakes. They roost in groups in low thorny trees.

After spotting them in Bharatpur, I saw these birds again in Jaipur. On an afternoon, I spotted two grey francolins foraging on insects in the vegetable garden in my backyard. They were shy. The noise of my footsteps scared them badly and they quickly vanished in the bushes.

"They run very swiftly and gracefully; they seem to glide rather than run, and the native lover can pay no higher compliment to his mistress than to liken her gait to that of the Partridge."
— A O Hume quoted in Ogilvie-Grant


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