Indian silverbill or White-throated Munia in Jaipur

The birding season is back! The bird-watcher begins her journey discovering her neighborhood birds. Her present location is Jaipur, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and a great place for bird spotting!

This week I spotted the Indian Silverbill.

I woke up to a sunny morning of the rainy season, suddenly a silverbill pair flew upon a branch that trails into my veranda. Hidden beneath the leaves they sat quietly for a while. I didn't have my camera then. But later this afternoon, I spotted the couple again on the oleander tree in my lawn. They swiftly drank water and then flew away. I clicked their shots as quickly as I could.

The Indian silverbill or white-throated munia (Euodice malabarica) is a small passerine bird found in the Indian Subcontinent and adjoining regions. This estrildid finch is a common resident breeding bird in the drier regions of the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent. It has also been introduced into many other parts of the world and has become established in some areas. They forage in small flocks in grassland and scrub habitats.

These birds are gregarious and are found in flocks of as many as 60 birds. They feed on the ground or on low shrubs and grass stalks. They constantly utter a low cheeping or chirping contact call as they forage. They visit water and drink with a rapid sip and swallow action. They feed on a wide range of grass seeds and will also make use of crop species. The breeding season is spread out and varies with region. They nest in winter in southern India and after summer in northern India.


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