I spotted a Roufus Treepie!

Watching the enchanted tree has become a habit now. I wake up in the morning to see the birds. I spend my evenings mostly around the enchanted tree because you never know when you spot a new bird. Sometimes, I hear an unfamiliar bird call and I scuttle outside to see the bird.

But it is not always that I spot it. Recently I saw a blue black bird. It was just a glimpse, on the same enchanted tree but hidden in the leaves. As yet I have not been able to spot it.

This one afternoon, sipping tea on my verandah chair, my camera around my neck, I gazed over the tree. For one second, I thought it was a Greater Coucal. But then, this was white in the wings! It was a Treepie.

The treepie seldom joins mixed hunting parties along with species such as Drongos and Babblers. I came across a drongo yesterday afternoon. The treepie is known to eat certain fruits that are toxic for the mammals. Henceforth, proving beneficial for crop cultivation.


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